Nov 10th, 2012
Nov 10th, 2012
Day 4: more rest and more snow!
Today was a good day. More rest, getting better with the hopping and better balance. It’s also still snowing and making it tricky to hop onto the grass– which is necessary because that’s where Derpy needs to poo! Seems her poo schedule is back on track along with her eating.
Fantastic Marlie keep up the hopping and I’m sure your mummy will be there in case you wobble 🙂
love to you all
zena and Fizz in spirit xoxox
Boy there’s nothing like a good, solid poop! Yay!
I’m sorry about the snow, that makes recovery extra challenging. But I know you’ll be out there having fun making snow angels in no time. Rest up, there’s plenty of pawtying to be had as soon as you’re all better!
Looking good Marlie. And yep, there is nothing like a good poop!
Karen and Spirit Magnum